Well Done President Obama and First Lady Michelle 

Job well done President Obama and First Lady Michelle. I will forever remember your time as leaders. I await the day to share this legacy with my next generation. (Memories just keep flooding my mind from the first day I saw you in Chicago on TV giving a speech to today)
I am truly proud of your work and look forward to the next chapters in your journey. You and the family should be proud. You are a true inspiration and I feel like I’m a better person because of your leadership. Tomorrow will be different not having you as our President 😭 😭 😭. We love you Barack and Michelle. #Remarkable #Insparational #Outstanding #Memorable #ShapingHistory #ProudtobeAmerican #PreciuosMemories

Make a Great First Impression 

On the day of your interview make a great first impression.

•Be polite and give a firm, confident handshake

•Smile when you introduce yourself

•Engage in a little small talks

•Remember to be yourself and do not overdo the small talk session

•Let the interviewer take the lead

•Be personable and ask for clarification if you are not sure of the question being asked

•Leave an indelible impression in the interviewers mind

•Always prepare for an interview

All the best if you are going through the interviewing process. See you again next week where I will share another great tip.

Act Today… Tomorrow is not Promised 

Never put off what you can do today for tomorrow because you don’t know what the future holds. Be intentional about your results and your career development.

Be the best you today and do something to help with your personal development. Be bold and step out of your comfort zone. Do something you’ve never done before.

•Request a One-on-One with your superior

•Be prepared to take about three things to help you achieve your current goals

•Ask for feedback on your progress

•Let your Supervisor/Mentor/Manager/Regional Manager/Director know your thoughts in terms of future roles you will love to serve in and ask for feedback to help get you to that level

• Set appointment and send a meeting maker for next One-on-One to discuss outcome (best practices, struggles, areas of opportunities, pitfalls, winning strategies, Strength, etc)

Inbox me with any questions or concerns. See you next week where I’ll share another tip.


Job Cafe Inc Update

Hello team, we have more great news.  
Job Cafe Inc got a request yesterday from another financial giant within the Tristate area to source several candidates with positions ranging from Personal Bankers, Teller Supervisors, Full and Part-Time Tellers.
We spent most of the day going through resumes and connecting with members and conducting final preparations with them to meet with these employers.

So thankful at this point!!!

Maintaining a Professional Presence 

It is incumbent upon us as leaders to maintain a professional presence regardless of any situations we are facing. Especially those of us who are entrepreneurs.

Every wonder why you are so great but you never have any repeat clients or no referrals to your business/ministry? 

One interesting fact is sometimes a client will pay more and at the same time settle for less than to have the drama associated with ‘great work’ and or ‘huge egos’.

Well here’s a great place to start improving. Do some soul searching and see where you are in maintaining a professional presence with your clients…Ask yourself these questions and be totally honest. In fact, if you have a mentor ask your mentor to evaluate you in the following areas.

1. How am I coming across when I’m under pressure?

2. What channels I use to communicate important information? Is it a preferred method by my clients?

3. How do I handle messages and follow up conversations? 

4. Do I always do my best, in my clients presence and behind their backs and who defines what is my best, my clients or I?

5. Am I humble or do I get ahead of myself when I think I get it, and can I be trusted with sensitive information?

6. Do I let the unprocessed me hang all out for clients and everyone to see?

If you are coming up low on any of these behaviors, talk with a mentor and develop a plan together to help get you to a better place in the near future.

Anyone of these behaviors could be an impediment for you getting from good to great and from developing a personal brand of maintaining a professional presence.

If you do not have a mentor or a career coach please contact Job Cafe Inc at 215-817-6240 or jobcafeinc@gmail.com 

Building a Professional Presence Online

Article written By Alison Doyle, Job Searching Expert

Google Image

Google Image

“There may not be much difference between personal and professional branding, but from my perspective, your professional brand is what matters to a potential employer, networking contact, or anyone who can help you find a job or grow your career. It’s more than a case of making sure your personal brand reflects who are as a person. It’s also making sure that the information available about you online is visible, available, and relevant – to where you are in your career and where you want to go next”.

Stay tuned for JCI next tip…

How to Interview for a Job Over Lunch or Dinner

By Alison Doyle, Job Searching Expert

Interviews are often stressful – even for job seekers who have interviewed many times. Interviewing can be even more stressful when you are expected to eat and talk at the same time.


One of the reasons employers take job candidates out to lunch or dinner is to evaluate their social skills and to see if they can handle themselves gracefully under pressure.

Dining with a prospective employee allows employers to review your communication and interpersonal skills, as well as your table manners, in a more relaxed (for them) environment. Table manners do matter. Good manners may give you the edge over another candidate, so, take some time to brush up your dining etiquette skills.

Job Interview Thank You Letters by Alison Doyle, Job Searching Expert

Thank You
“Writing a thank you letter after a job interview is a must! In fact, some employers think less of those interviewees who fail to follow-up promptly.

Use your thank you letter to highlight the ways your skills and experience are a good match for the position. Also, if there’s something you forgot to mention during the interview, this is an opportunity to bring it up”.

“Writing a thank you letter after a job interview is a must! In fact, some employers think less of those interviewees who fail to follow-up promptly.

Use your thank you letter to highlight the ways your skills and experience are a good match for the position. Also, if there’s something you forgot to mention during the interview, this is an opportunity to bring it up”.

Advice on Getting References for Employment By Alison Doyle, Job Searching Expert

At some point during your job search, a potential employer will request references. Typically, it will be when the company is seriously interested in you as a potential hire. It’s important to be prepared to provide a list of employment references who can attest to the skills and qualifications that you have for the job you are applying for.

Plan ahead and get your references in order, before you need them. It will save time scrambling to put together a list at the last minute. Keep in mind that good references can help you clinch a job offer, so, be sure to have a strong list of references who are willing to attest to your capabilities.

Come back soon for another tip…